Over the years, I have participated in countless pub quizzes. My head is filled with random bits of knowledge that I can draw upon as the questions are read out. Customarily, my quizzing partners are Mike and Mick. They have their own particular strengths as quizzers. Mick is very good at dates, music, film and anything you might like to ask him about James Bond. Mike is good at history, drama and Oldham Athletic football club. Unfortunately, we have never been asked a single question about Oldham Athletic. I specialise in geography, politics, religion, current affairs, gardening, football, rugby league, cookery, nature, wildlife, the combustion engine etc. etc.. Weekly, we have been quizzing together for over twenty years.

Last night I was down at "The Banner". Before the quiz began I had to tolerate a cascade of political invective from my chum Higgy. He doesn't get out much and he lives on his own. Consequently, when he gets to the pub he has a lot of stored up thinking to let out. It's a bit like eating cabbages or beans. If you didn't let the gas out you would explode!
Higgy reads "The Guardian" every day and he bristles with anger and disgust about Britain's European Union referendum result. He is appalled by the posturing of our politicians, the lies they told and continue to tell and their obvious inability to forge a Brexit deal that will be acceptable and helpful to our economic well-being. It is all an utter mess. The British people have been wilfully sold a pig in a poke.
Not only was I having to deal with Higgy's tirade before the keypad quiz, I also had to deal with it as we progressed through the fifty questions. I just wanted to relax and focus on the quiz not to simultaneously engage in an angry discussion about Brexit. He just wouldn't shut up about it. On and on.
The quiz finished. Higgy won it with me second and Steve third. Higgy had a last half pint of lager and grabbing the cushion he carries in an old plastic bag (because of his osteoporosis) he prepared to go home. No, "Nice to see you fellows!" just final thoughts about Brexit as he went out of the door. He must be suffering from Brexomania.
For Steve and I it was a great relief when he left. I mean we both love the guy but you don't come to a pub quiz to endure a one-sided political rant. We could now relax. By the way, Higgy gave me yet another clipping from "The Guardian" about Brexit. I guess it's my homework even though Brexit, like Oldham Athletic, is unlikely to come up in a pub quiz any time soon.
I am reminded of what I thought was the cleverness of the person who came up Brexit, back when I first heard the word. I rather like Brexomania too.
ReplyDeleteThe term "Brexit" was coined by a fellow called Peter Wilding who, ironically, was an ardent supporter of the "Remain" campaign.
DeleteI think Higgy would drive me insane! :) (I mean no offence).
ReplyDeleteI live alone, by choice, and I rarely socialise, by choice...and never at pubs, again by choice. I enjoy the peace and quiet...but I do enjoy trivia and quizzes...and answering them, to the best of my ability...which is pretty good, even though I say so myself.
I did go out to lunch Monday just gone...with five other ladies. We were all guests of one...Dorothy.
She turned 100 back in June, and along with her daughter who is a friend of mine, Dorothy hosted the lunch to thank us for what we did towards her special birthday celebration.
Personally, these days I prefer one on one...more than two or three becomes like a gaggle of geese, in my opinion. Everyone talks over the other..and I hate that! It's one of my pet hates, and so many people do it! Grrrr!
Also, Dorothy is quite deaf and her hearing aid was playing up on the day, so there was a lot of loud talking and repetition going on. Everyone else in the restaurant was party to the chatter at our table! I tried, again by choice, to keep my chatter to a minimum!! :)
I was exhausted by the time I got back home! And was very glad to be back home...alone...just me and my two furry mates! lol
Higgy has already driven me insane! As I tap these words on this keyboard, an unmarked van has stopped outside our house and two men in white coats are getting out. What's that they are holding? Oh, it's a straitjacket!
DeleteHahaha! I've been successfully dodging those fellows for years, Yorkie! They've not caught me...yet! ;)
DeleteThere's nothing worse than being subjected to a tirade about anything, politics included. Though I have to agree with Higgy in principle.
ReplyDeleteYes. I agree with Higgy entirely but I just don't want to hear two hours' worth of that Brexitty stuff.
DeleteQuiz nights are catching on at the trendier bars here in the US. I've never participated because my areas of expertise -- jewelry, Star Trek, and cursing in foreign languages -- don't make me very smart.
ReplyDeleteLast year I had a garden book published so The Guardian asked me to write about my ten favorite gardening books. The Commenters who took issue with my choices were really annoying; one woman didn't like my list of books so much that she said I should give back whatever The Guardian had paid me for the article. Which shows how out of touch Guardian readers are: The Guardian doesn't pay a dime (or ten pence) for opinion pieces! Between that and the editing, it was not a pleasant experience.
You'd be surprised how many Star Trek-related questions have come my way at pub quizzes :-)
Delete(usually, I can answer them)
Thanks for calling by Vivian and many congratulations on getting your gardening book published. You need to form a little quiz team then each member will bring their own unique knowledge to the table. Besides, it doesn't really matter if you win or lose. It's an excuse to spend time with friends.
DeleteI go to my local for the pub quiz nowhere near often enough; it is held every Tuesday night, but I am lucky if I manage to get my team together three times in six months.
ReplyDeleteThankfully, none of my mates are likely to break out into a Higgy-style tirade.
As for Brexit, some people have developed a veritable Brexophobia, while others are true Brexophiles.
Brexocide appeals to me.
DeleteIf there's one thing I learned from my Dad, it was never to discuss politics or religion with anyone. Everybody has their own views on both these topics are unlikely to be swayed from their opinions and it is pointless arguing with them, unless you just enjoy arguing.
ReplyDeleteHiggy was preaching to the converted.
DeleteI love that picture of Einstein.
ReplyDeleteI can't do trivia questions because even if I know the answer it darts out of my head the moment there's any pressure! Maybe Higgy's tirade was a strategy to win ...
You might be right about the cunning Higgy!
DeleteGosh. Yet again someone has pinched my comment. This time it's Jenny. I am totally useless at quizzes for the same reason: my mind immediately goes blank. For someone whose job was thinking on the hoof a lot of the time I have never quite understood this total blankness when faced with quiz questions (even when playing with the family).
ReplyDeleteThat's surprising. I had imagined that you would be a super quizzer Graham - specialising in the history of croquet, Honda cars, "partners", Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas, North Wales and New Zealand wildlife.
DeleteI guess Higgy has his priorities. I would agree that Higgy is right about the situation.
ReplyDeleteI agree with him too but I didn't need an ear bashing.
DeleteHiggy could manage a non-stop Brexit tirade and also win the quiz? I am thinking that would take some skill, more than I possess.
He was also embroidering a tablecloth and reading "War and Peace". I thought only women could "multi-task"!
DeletePersonally, these days I prefer one on one...more than two or three becomes like a gaggle of geese, in my opinion. Everyone talks over the other..and I hate that! It's one of my pet hates, and so many people do it! Grrrr!