30 October 2022


Frances and Phoebe on the Norfolk coast north of Holt. They are staying there for a long weekend with two other young mums and their little daughters born within three weeks of our Phoebe. It is a girls getaway weekend.

And speaking of getaways, my wife Shirley headed for the Lincolnshire coast this morning with five other Sheffield women. For two nights she will be staying in a large, residential caravan (American: trailer) at Cleethorpes. No jokes about "trailer trash" please!

Fortunately, for both all-female groups our recent weather has been unseasonably mild for late autumn. Sometimes it's cold enough to freeze your nuts off at this time of year - though I suppose such an analogy is inapposite in this instance. By the way, how come the Blogger spell checker just did a red squiggle under "inapposite"?

Anyway, for once there's no Sunday roast for me to slave over. Sad Sack is home alone. Instead, I am going to make a a beef stew with dumplings. It will be big enough for tomorrow's dinner too.

First of all I will soften up  coarsely chopped onions in the pan. The chunks of beef will be doused in seasoned flour before being added to the onions. I will keep turning them and browning them before adding a jug of boiling water into which two "Oxo" cubes have been broken and stirred.  I will plonk the pan lid on and turn the heat right down - allowing this stew base to bubble gently for perhaps two hours in order to really soften up the meat and cause some thickening.

Later I will add microwaved chunks of swede (American: rutabaga), carrot, leek, potato and lentils to the concoction along with a few leaves of kale. Seasoning is important and I will adjust that as necessary - occasionally tasting the gravy to make sure.

For the last half hour, the stew will sit in a large  ovenproof  casserole dish in the middle of our oven with freshly made dumpling balls floating on the top. The lid will be removed for the last ten minutes.

It's nice to have hunks of buttered fresh bread with my finished stew but as I am playing Kevin McCallister today, I may not bother with that. 

Tonight I will leave my solitude behind as I venture up to "The Hammer and Pincers"  for the customary Sunday quiz. I hope there's a question about how to make a delicious beef stew from scratch.


  1. I had planned a hearty Asian Chicken Soup for dinner, but now I can't get the idea of Chicken and Dumplings out of my head because your delicious sounding stew gave me the nudge!!

    1. You cannot beat a pair of nice dumplings Bob!

  2. How times change - your girls certainly get about! At one time it was the men who went off and left "the little woman" to prepare hearty fare for their return!

    1. Sigh! You are so right and she has left me a list of domestic chores I have to get through on Monday. Do you know what "ironing" is?

    2. Er, I'm not exactly sure what it is YP, my memory is not what it was. My philosophy is, with clothes put it on and the creases will drop out, or anything else can be folded neatly and hidden away.

    3. Okay. I will blame you if Mistress Pudding complains.

  3. Have a nice, quiet weekend. Your beef stew almost sounds good enough to eat but I'm not a fan of beef. Did you put any red wine in it? That really enhances the flavour of the beef. Have a good night out. Phoebe and her mum are beautiful.

    1. I'm not a bloody Frenchie Nurse Lily! No red wine in my stew thank you very much!

  4. You can have a few more pints tonight YP.

    1. There'll be no time for extra pints as a Thai masseuse is coming round when I get back from the pub. I have a stiff neck.

  5. I am long overdue a girls' getaway. Somewhere warm and dry preferably.

    1. I doubt that your controller (LP) will allow that to happen. You know how possessive he is.

  6. I will be leaving for an all-woman get-away on Thursday with my nursing school darlings.
    Your stew sounds absolutely perfect!

    1. I ate a large bowl of it tonight - just about perfect though I say so myself. I predict that you and your old girls will be doing a lot of talking!

  7. It's good to have some alone time, isn't it? I definitely see the resemblance between Phoebe and Frances in that photo!

    1. The light is so lovely in that i-phone picture. I hope I don't have a seizure tonight.

  8. Mmmmh!!! Can O.K. and I come for a bowl of your stew? I am also a pretty good pub quiz player, even if I say so myself.
    It‘s been like a summer‘s day here today at 25C. For my Dad‘s funeral yesterday, the 23C felt truly odd. Grey skies and cold would have better reflected our mood.

    1. Of course you can come over for stew! I'll see you later today.

      Farewell to the Meike Papa though something of him will always remain.

  9. Rutabaga??? I thought that was what happened in rugby scrums.
    Frances and Phoebe look vey happy at the seaside. I thought a girls getaway should be without children.
    My thoughts are so bad today.

  10. Damn! Wish my private jet wasn't tied up with political wannabe's this weekend or I would have dropped in to join you and see that you didn't eat too much.

    1. Oh that's a shame Bruce! You could have come up to the pub with me for a pint or two of Timothy Taylor's Landlord as we tackled the quiz - you being a guest team member.

  11. That stew sounds like it's very tasty. Much work has gone into your dinner.

    1. I made enough for you too Red but you didn't show!

  12. You forgot the pumpkin ( butternut squash ) !

    1. Well I like butternut squash but not in stews. I prefer it roasted. Nice to "see" you again Helen.

  13. The stew sounds perfectly delicious except for the lentils and kale. Can't stand them! But dumplings! Oh yum. I haven't made dumplings in years. Probably decades.
    Frances and Phoebe look cold, why aren't they wearing fur-lined hats with ear flaps? I hope all the women are having a wonderful time.

    1. They are not wearing fur-lined hats with ear flaps because they are not Russians!.... Come on River! It's Dumpling Time for you too!

  14. That photo is lovely, full of vitality with those two pairs of eyes, so similar smiling back at you. Your family is blessed.

  15. Little Phoebe has definitely got her mother's eyes! Lovely photo.

    1. Frances took it on her smartphone. With the lighting and the wind I thought it was special.

  16. With all this talk of nuts and balls, Freud would have a field day.

    1. I wonder what Sigmund got up to on one of his "field days" - lying down in the long grass.

  17. Minds that think alike, I made a stew somewhat like that yesterday. Good comfort food.

    1. Yes. Most appreciated as winter gets closer.

  18. You sound like a fabulous cook. I like that photo of your daughter and granddaughter - both so lovely. My 3 year old granddaughter loves the Disney princesses too!

  19. That stew sounds amazing. I would never have thought of lentils.


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