19 April 2024


Babies may be notorious for crying but they also love to laugh. They laugh at the silliest things and of course because they are babies that laughter is not pretentious. It's 100% genuine. 

There are plenty of compilation videos of baby laughter over at YouTube. If you are feeling down or blue and  need  a bit of cheering up, perhaps those videos would be just the ticket. Doctors could potentially stop prescribing anti-depressant tablets and just recommend laughing baby videos instead.

In this area of hilarity, babies probably have an advantage over adults in that they wear nappies (American:diapers) so that when the laughter causes temporary loss of bladder control, those babies will not be embarrassed but adults - well, that's another story.



  1. Babies are such hard work but one joyous moment makes up for it all.

  2. The last two are the funniest. "My" twins laugh but I only heard that once when they were playing peekaboo with a blanket. They smile a lot and chatter to each other in baby talk, but I guess they laugh more when I'm not there. I remember my own kids laughing as babies.
    Does Margot laugh when you make funny faces and noises? And Zach?

  3. To have a baby around might be ok, like a four year old one that's already house trained.

  4. I used to be a baby. I have photographs to prove it, but no videos.

  5. "Terrible Twos" is the worst time when they are climbing into everything and you have to put special plug covers and special catches on kitchen cupboards.

  6. A baby's laughing is one of my favorite sounds in the world.

  7. I have never understood babies.

  8. The algorithms on Facebook keep feeding me lots of similar videos... Presumably because I keep watching them! ;-)

  9. A laughing baby is the best sound in the world.

  10. Hilarious! I feel better now.

  11. Isn't that cute?! My son who lives in Texas wends me a photo everyday of my youngest grandson smiling. It is so sweet and always makes me smile, too!

  12. I just love hearing a laughing baby. I think the video that makes me laugh the hardest is the one I keep watching over and over again where the baby has hysterics over daddy tearing pieces of paper. Gets me every time I see it!

  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP4abiHdQpc

  14. There's nothing better than the sound of a baby laughing.


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