6 April 2024


Margot was five months old this past Tuesday. What a little darling she is. We hardly get a peep out of her but on Thursday evening she was lying on her mat experimenting with her voice - seeing what it could do. However, normally she is very quiet with her hypnotic blue eyes surveying the changing scenes and faces in front of her. I think of her as The Baby Buddha for she exudes tranquility mingled with joy. One can learn a lot from a helpless baby - the education is not all one way.

Still reliant on her mother's milk, it won't be long now before she's introduced to more solid foods. Her first tooth has already appeared from her lower gum. Being a chubby dumpling of a baby, the folds of skin around her neck are often reddened though this never seems to trouble her. She is so sweet and very special and her song keeps changing...
Margot, Margot, Margot
The stars are all aglow
Let's play out in the snow
Margot, Margot, Margot
It doesn't make a sound
Settling on the ground
Drifting all around
As northern winds they blow
More than you'll ever know
We love to  see grow


  1. Margot was propped up very nicely for the last photo. Little kids grow quickly so enjoy them.

    1. She often sits there when we are eating meals at the table.

  2. Now THAT'S a lively and upbeat face!!!

    1. Well she has no knowledge of what is going on in the big wide world. None at all.

  3. She's a darling little girl.

  4. It's miraculous to me that a baby can double or triple their birth weight just on boob juice, how marvellous women's bodies are.
    I hope Margot's sweet countenance stays with her for a lifetime

    1. I have never heard it called boob juice before! That term may now enter my everyday vocabulary.

  5. She's a cherub alright, a real live doll baby. I remember the day my youngest found his voice, we were all busy clearing away breakfast and getting the kids ready for school so no one was paying attention to him, so he shouted and frightened himself. I hope Margot doesn't frighten herself with shouting. She's a little sweetheart.

    1. Of course, in the womb all they hear is gurgling and the pulsing of blood. A baby's voice must be discovered.

    2. That is not all they hear. Sounds from the world outside the womb do get through, and can have a positive effect such as recognizing their parents‘ voices or a piece of music played often from the start, but also a negative effect such as when the parents shout at each other or overly loud music is played, or noisy machinery when the mother works under difficult condition.


  6. That is one very contented looking baby.

    1. She has no issues with the tram system in Sheffield.

  7. She looks a pure joy, it's such a beautiful age.

  8. Such a beautiful baby. She looks so happy and interested in her surroundings. You and Shirley are blessed with two beautiful grand-daughters.

    1. We are indeed. Four years ago, we never expected this to happen.

  9. Baby Buddha fits perfectly! I like the card with the fox, and Margot‘s spiky hair.

    1. The hair is thickening up and getting longer. Not long ago she looked like Buzz Lightyear!

  10. Mothers milk is the best. It's warm and nourishing and humans and animals thrive on it.

    1. Much better than Newcastle Brown Ale and the dispensers are more attractive too.

  11. Amazing how helpless baby humans are, dependent on others for so long. (I have never been around babies and really don't have a clue.)

    1. I wonder if you have any photos of yourself when you were a baby? Might be nice to post one and blog about it.

  12. What a little sweetheart. I sing songs to my 2 year old grandson when we take walks around his neighborhood. They change, too, depending on what we see.

    1. AS a grandparent you are as nutty as me!

  13. My goodness, but that pretty child is growing fast! I do like your song. I used to sing to my babies and then my grandbabies a lot. I think it's a natural thing and probably encourages speech development in our children.

  14. What a happy, sweet darling girl!

  15. "These eyes"... I have a song in my head now. She's precious.


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