3 April 2024


John Chapman, James Henderson and James Kirby - three British men who were killed in Gaza on Monday. They were working for The World Central Kitchen (WCK) which has served thousands of meals to the desperately needy and beleaguered citizens of Gaza. They were killed in a targeted Israeli Defence Force (IDF) attack as they travelled in clearly marked white aid vehicles.

"This happens in war", said Israel's compassionate political leader - Benjamin Netanyahu. I guess he meant they were collateral damage.

There has been far too much "collateral damage" in Gaza. 33,000 Palestinians have now died - including 11,000 innocent children and a further 200 aid workers. The IDF seem to see HAMAS in every apartment block, every hospital, every rudimentary refugee shelter, every face. There is a convenient excuse for every  atrocity they commit.

And the truth remains as it was at the start of this brutal revenge, they can never eliminate HAMAS for you simply cannot obliterate an idea. When the IDF went into the Al-Shifa hospital seeking members of HAMAS, how did they interview suspects?  Were they carrying membership cards? Were international observers present to monitor the assassinations? Some of those victims were lying injured in hospital beds.

But shhh! I have probably said too much for there are some out there who still chant - "Israel good! Gaza bad!" and see none of the blurriness between.

I suspect that John Chapman and the two Jameses shown above were not the kind of aid workers we might imagine - saintly people voluntarily risking their lives to give help to the needy. The three men were probably very well paid to give the WCK vital security protection for they each had a lot of military experience. Sadly it did not save them.

The horror goes on.


  1. I don't know or understand what Israel is trying to do by continuing a war. They are only setting things up for another conflict.

    1. They are sowing the seeds of future conflict and hatred.

  2. I think this IS what happens in war when you just want to obliterate the so-called enemy and don't care about humanitarian aid.
    Benji looks despicable today; more despicable than usual.

    1. The guy seems more concerned with his position and his legacy. He is not a wise man.

  3. As I'm sure you know, there was an Australian among those who murdered. Our government has made a bit of noise, as I expect yours has but it will be quickly forgotten and mutually beneficial matters between governments will continue.

    However in our last census in 2021, 0.4% identified as Jewish while 3.2% identified as Moslem, with the Arabic population at 3.2%. That is a substantial voting advantage in my opinion. Our government is doing its best to remain on the sitting on a wall, but as we know from Humpty Dumpty, walls can be dangerous places to sit.

    1. Netanyahu seems to be toying with supportive countries - like a game of dare.

  4. The powerless world watches on.

    1. We are looking at a horror film with sequential films following in future years - just like "StarWars" but with real deaths.

  5. Well pressure is also building up. The letter this morning from the lawmakers must signify some action from our government. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/former-supreme-court-judges-say-uk-arming-israel-breaches-international-law?trk=public_post_comment-text (don't know if that link will work)
    It is all over the news this morning. Listening the other day to a Labour party official give feeble excuses as to why there is no movement in that party I wanted to weep for the sheer cowardice of our governing lot.
    Those three men were doing a brave job and they laid down their lives to do it, perhaps in the end their sacrifice will bring sense to this terrible genocide and right action from our government.

    1. "Genocide" is the right term - hidden behind a pile of weasel words.

  6. As does the horror in Ukraine.

    1. Ukraine? The media doesn't say much about that now.

    2. They do every day here.

  7. Here we are, 2024, and somehow we still think that war solves problems. We are a horrifying species.

    1. I ain't gonna study war no more
      Ain't gonna study war no more
      Ain't gonna study war no more
      I ain't gonna study war no more
      Ain't gonna study war no more
      Ain't gonna study war no more

  8. I agree with Ms. Moon completely.

  9. The world is governed either by aggressive madmen, or useless politicians. I fear for future generations who may never live in peace.

    1. Since WWII most westerners have lived charmed lives, mostly unaffected by war but as you suggest, things look rather different now.

  10. Seeing the blurriness with you. Sigh.

    1. It seems utterly bizarre that a country can call for a permanent ceasefire while still providing arms to the IDF.


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