26 August 2023


Two weeks ago a Romanian circus came to our local park. They had a big top and everything. The lights went down  and  introductory music blasted out over the sound system.

"I don't like it!" said Phoebe, lasting around two minutes in the unfamiliar space. 

She wanted to go back home to peace and quiet. In her short life she has never been one for loud noise and has sometimes covered her ears saying, "Noise!". Or if she is in our garden and hears a lawnmower starting up she will ask, "What's that noise?"

Today her parents took her over to The Lowry in Salford which is part of Greater Manchester. There was an exhibition devoted to the works of children's author Julia Donaldson and her illustrator Axel Scheffler. Above you can see Phoebe there in front of a large replica of the mouse in "The Gruffalo".

Phoebe is holding a bright orange dragon called Zog. She was mostly at The Lowry to see a theatrical version of the story of "Zog".

When the lights went down she again wanted to go home but fortunately the opening music wasn't too loud and with her mother's persuasion she soon settled down and enjoyed the show before being driven back over the hills to Sheffield.

She's a funny little sausage, developing a strong character and of course at two years and seven months she's not really a baby any more. I know I am totally biased and besotted with her but doesn't she look so very lovely in that top picture?


  1. She's a cutie, all right. I can't believe how fast she's growing up.

    1. You're right Jennifer. Blink and you miss it all.

  2. Phoebe looks amazing. There seems to be a bit of concern about noise in England today.

    1. Concern about the noises that the Tory government make.

  3. She will catch on as to what is fun.

    1. In 2 years and 7 months she has learnt so much.

  4. Phoebe is a sweetheart. My 6 year old granddaughter is the same with loud noise. She used to run away when she was little, now she covers her ears and tries not to cry.

  5. She does look beautiful! I'm not a fan of loud music either.

    1. I imagined that you were into AC/DC Margaret!

  6. She is a stunner and with grandpa's photographic talents will be recorded beautifully through her young life.

    1. Actually that particular photo was taken by her mama using a smartphone.

  7. I'm with Phoebe on the loud noise front. Make it stop!
    She does look very pretty in that photo. Little Miss Blue Eyes.

  8. Yes she is gorgeous...lovely eyes!

  9. Her face looks way more grown-up than a not yet three-year-old, she could easily pass for closer to five.
    Interesting that she does not like noise. Most small (and not so small) children are quite noisy themselves and don‘t mind loud music.

    1. It will be interesting to see if she warms to loud noises as she grows older.

  10. She is indeed a beautiful little girl, and you are right to be besotted. I hope she retains that special place in your heart once your two new grandchildren arrive on the scene.

    1. Oh no, I will just forget about her then.

  11. She does look very lovely and quite grown up now, I like her blue, blue eyes. She will become accustomed to noise as she grows and school of course can be quite noisy with so many children all in one room.

    1. Schools are very noisy places - packed with people. Quite unnatural really.

  12. Grand daughters are always perfect as are grandsons.

    1. When they are healthy and "normal" that is so true. Not so easy to say when they have problems from the start.

  13. Our oldest was like that too. We got in the habit of packing a pair of ear muffs for a time and they worked well.

    1. Is she okay with noise now?

    2. She is indeed. It seemed to pass around the time she went to school.

  14. She is indeed a sweetie and looks very confident. Hope she gets over the loud noise problem soon or she is going to hate Guy Fawkes' night. Enjoy her while she is still young and spoil her when the new babies come along, or she may feel pushed out.

    1. It must be odd for an only child when a new baby comes along. Difficult to process.

  15. I'm just guessing but it seems logical to me that sensitivity to noise (as well as other things) would vary between children as well as it does among adults...

    1. I think you are right DT. In retirement I have become a big fan of peace and quiet.

  16. I agree with her, I often find the music too loud.

  17. Some children are especially sensitive to noise. My Lily was. And smells, too. A sensory thing. She is absolutely darling, that girl. Soon you will have two more precious babies to love but she will always be your first.

  18. Miss Bright Eyes! So cute, Neil.
    I wonder what she will think of the noise the new baby might make. Babies can be so loud!! :)

  19. Bless her, she is a beautiful child. We took our eldest son, then 2 to marineland in Morecambe. Every time the audience applauded the seals, he screamed his head off!
    He's 42 now and remembers nothing but his little boy is just the same in hating loud noises.

  20. She is a beautiful, intelligent and loving child, for sure. I am still sensitive to noise. I think that is one of the reasons that I am an introvert. Well, that and I, you know, am not fond of many people! She will probably get used to a little more noise with a sibling around the house and at her grandpa's house!

  21. She does indeed. I think a lot of little kids are very sensitive to noise. Their little ears are brand new and working very efficiently! One of my earliest memories is going with my dad to some kind of machine shop and they turned on a terrifying machine and I have NEVER forgotten it!

  22. But would Phoebe have smiled so brightly if she knew she was standing next to a sign referring to another of Donaldson's other books: The Highway Rat?


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