4 August 2023


There she is, our lovely girl - Phoebe Harriet - now two and a half years old. She had resisted her midday nap but succumbed to sleep when Grandma pushchaired her down to the local post office to mail a letter. This was yesterday afternoon.

As with all normal, healthy young children Phoebe's vocabulary and communication skills improve with each passing week. She can be very funny and seems more strong-willed than most. Whenever she comes to our house she likes to watch Peppa Pig and Trotro on our PC. She sits on my knee and we enjoy the cartoons together.

If I am in another room, she will grab my hand and say, "Come on Grandpa!" Yesterday this happened when I was in the middle of my lunch - a BLT and a mug of tea. Such details appear immaterial to Phoebe when she wants her screentime.

At the computer I will often say, "Just one Peppa Pig and one Trotro Phoebe!" And she will say "Just one!" before high fiving me in agreement. But when the two cartoons have been watched you can guarantee that she will say, "Another one please Grandpa!" and if I refuse her demand she will arch her back and moan as if she has just been sentenced to death.

Last Friday, something very significant happened in her short life. Daytime nappies (American: diapers) were withdrawn and she is now in a phase that all small children must go through called potty training. Shirley and I have absolutely no memory of helping our own children through this process.

Phoebe is doing fine - not too many accidents so far.

Meanwhile in Frances's tummy, Phoebe's sibling is growing. A baby who will steal much of the exclusive parental attention that Phoebe has enjoyed thus far in her short life. She may not appreciate that.

Frances is off work now because the successful London-based tech company she worked for for six years was taken over by an American tech company called Bullhorn and nearly all the original staff were laid off last month - including Frances. She will be seeking another job when the time is right but for now her generous severance package will comfortably see her through several months. She will be able to mother the new baby without worrying overmuch about finances.

And as for Phoebe Harriet, she can always chill out at Grandma and Grandpa's house.


  1. How very nice to get a Phoebe post! She will always be your first grandchild and that is a very special thing for her and for you and her grandmother. And although it may not be easy for Phoebe to adjust to a new baby in the house, eventually she will and no one loves babies like little children and no one loves little children like babies.

  2. She's a darling little girl. Just precious.

    1. It has been a privilege to see her development so closely. If COVID had never happened she would be living in London right now.

  3. Your love for Phoebe sure comes through your every word, Neil. She looks like a sweet angel in that photo!

    1. I often tell her that I love her. I just can't help it Ellen.

  4. The innocence of children shines from Phoebe. Well, when she is sleeping and not cross with Grandpa for limiting her cartoons.

  5. Some kids find it difficult when a new sibling arrives. Other kids enjoy the whole affair.

    1. Parents need to handle it all with sensitivity.

  6. I have never before considered that kids arch their backs when displeased. And then I remembered the infamous "stiffen up so you can't be strapped in to the car seat "
    I like the cute be-ribboned piggy tail!

    1. There's another pigtail on the other side Kylie.

  7. Phoebe is so pretty and I can imagine how she is when wanting another cartoon or two. I also don't remember anything about potty training any of my kids, although I remember always doing it in the summer.

    1. Summer makes sense. I guess some kiddies transition without too much trouble.

  8. What a lovely photo....sleeping children are always so cute! My first grand, (only girl of 4 grands) is the only one I looked after when she was little. She is 13 now and as tall as me....it goes so quickly!

    1. I suspect she loves you all the more because you played a big part in raising her.

  9. Phoebe has a lovely face anyway, but asleep she looks perfectly angelic (I know she can throw less than angelic tantrums, like all children her age do - you're talking to an expert here, as I was the Queen of Tantrums at that age!).
    Good for Frances not having to worry about getting a new job before she is ready. A very similar thing is happening to the company my American friend here in Ludwigsburg works for. They have been sold to a US-based company, and about half of the staff has been sent packing. My friend is still employed with them but is already putting out her feelers for another job.

    1. This seems to be the way with business takeovers.
      Queen of Tantrums? Oh dear, your parents must have had the patience of saints!

  10. We have a Molly who is just two, loves Pepper Pig and Bluey, hates naps and turn from sweet to terror in a beat of a heart. Don't you just love them.

    1. Those sudden tantrums are weird things to observe close up.

  11. A lovely photo of a sweet little girl. Hopefully she will be able to weather the change from being the constant centre of attention - a difficult phase for many young children.
    It's not something my family has had to deal with - almost all my cousins are only children, as I am. Only one has a younger sister, and it's strange to get emails from her even now with nasty comments about her younger sibling. As children they fought constantly, always instigated by the older one, and it seems she's gone through life resenting her younger sister.

    1. How strange that those tensions should last a lifetime.

  12. Great photo of Phoebe YP.

  13. She looks very sweet and innocent but of course she will try to dominant your lives when young.

  14. Phoebe is lucky to have grandparents doting on her as well as her own parents :) That is likely to also be helpful when the new baby arrives!

  15. We tried everything with our older daughter without success. One day in frustration, I just asked if she wanted to use the big people toilet and she nodded yes. We got a stool so she could climb up and from that day on she was potty trained. I have no memory of the youngest so she must have learned quickly.

  16. Enjoy the family.

  17. Gosh, she's growing up fast. She'll soon be backpacking around Thailand!

  18. Well, if Frances had to get laid off, that sounds like good timing, at least. I'm glad I haven't had to potty train anyone. Even Olga came to us already trained!


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