21 January 2024


Back in April 2006 when this humble Yorkshire blog was in its infancy, there were various lists flying around the blogosphere. I suppose the idea was that by responding, bloggers would reveal hidden truths about themselves. This particular challenge involved lists requiring seven responses under each sub-heading.

I was just a boy of 53  back then. What, if anything, has changed?

Seven Things To Do Before I Die:
(Two out of seven done)
1 - Visit India  ✔DONE
2 – Hand carve a wooden bowl ❌
3 - Grow up 

4 - Learn how 
to wolf whistle with two fingers under my tongue 
5 - Hear one of my own songs on the radio  
6 – Build a Portuguese style barbecue in our garden 

7 - Get to know my grandchildren.
Seven Things I Cannot Do:
(All still true)
1 – Wolf whistle.
2 - Change the spark plugs on a car.
3 – Watch hospital operations on TV.
4 – Pass a beggar without feeling guilty
5 - Physically hurt anyone
6 - Intentionally kill an insect.
7 – Believe in God
Seven Things That Attract Me To...Blogging:
(All still true)
1 - Seeing my own words published.
2 – The randomness of it all.
3 – Contacting other people from around the world.
4 – The design element – how a blog looks.
5 - Freedom of choice – what I put.
6 – Regular contacts with favourite bloggers.
7 - It beats watching TV.
Seven Things I Say Most Often:
What was true in 2006 and what's true now in 2024.
1 – Chairs under everybody! I'm just going shopping.
2 – What’s for tea?  Would you like a cup of tea?
3 – Good morning! Good morning!
4 – Thank you  Thank you
5 – Oo! That's better. Good night love!
6 – Fucking hell. Do we have to watch this shit?
7 - Pint of bitter please. I'm just going out to feed the birds.
Seven Books That I Love:
(All still true)
1 – Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte 

2 – Nostromo – Joseph Conrad  

3 - Kes – Barry Hines  

4 – Angela’s Ashes - Frank McCourt  

5 - The Magus - John Fowles  

6 - Jude The Obscure - Thomas Hardy  

7 – Animal Farm - George Orwell  

Seven Movies That I Could Watch Again:
(All still true)
1 – Schindler’s List 

2 - Titanic

3 – Once Upon a Time in America 

4 - Midnight Express 

5 - One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest 

6 - The Last Picture Show 

7 - Mutiny on The Bounty 

If you are so inclined, you are welcome to take up this old challenge and create your own lists of seven under the six sub-headings. Shouldn't there have been seven sub-headings?


  1. Do you still want the Portugese barbecue? It seems very achievable

    1. Now it's mostly me and Shirley. The need for a well-used family barbecue has diminished.

  2. I am definitely not inclined to start this, imagine a list "seven interesting things you dd today" Me: got out of bed. the end.

    1. River Daily List
      1. Get out of bed
      2. Yoga exercises
      3. Shower, skin creaming and application of make up
      4. Breakfast - melon, paw-paw, pineapple and freshly squeezed orange juice.
      5. Blog work
      6. Afternoon with Fernando Lopez ("personal trainer")
      7. Salad, Read, Sleep

    2. Yoga? Does bending and stretching while dressing and bedmaking count? Makeup? Hah! Breakfast is porridge, always.

  3. I'll think about that one. It was an interesting read though. I've seen all the films you've seen, except for number 3, and I enjoyed them all.

    1. Number 3 remains authentic England. Very different from "Notting Hill".

  4. Hmmm... out of these, somehow I find the "Seven Things I Say Most Often" hardest - you'd have to ask those who see or speak to me every day. Good morning and Thank You are certainly on the list, as well as Good Night.

    I must admit I don't actually have a bucket list of things I want to do before I die; maybe this lack of ambition is not a good thing. Or maybe it is, because it is a sign that I am quite happy and content with my life as it is and don't have any big wishes or ambitions. Up to interpretation!

    1. Whenever I hear the term "bucket list" I think of actual buckets. Then I think of swimming with dolphins. The last thing I would want to do is to swim with a bloody dolphin!

  5. Lists on blogs are:
    1. Boring
    2. Dull
    3. Repetitive
    4. Pointless
    5. ... can't be bothered ...

    1. Shopping list for Tasker Dunham:
      1. Turkey twizzlers
      2. Margarine
      3. Cillit Bang!
      4. Alphabet Spaghetti
      5. Frozen pizzas (family pack)
      6. Aloe Vera toilet rolls
      7. Litre of "Scotch Mist" whisky

  6. I found Angela's Ashes and Jude The Obscure very disturbing but excellent reads. Wuthering Heights is incredible with a love hate story that goes beyond death.

    1. When it comes to novels you have excellent taste Professor Northsider!

  7. I think they were called 'MeMes" and, as you say were prolific in the early days. I very rarely participated irritating some people. I shall note this post. I may one day answer it. I have neither the time nor inclination today and you rarely if ever respond to posts after the day.

    1. Because I have comment moderation switched on, I read every comment that visitors leave even though I might not reply to every comment that is left.

  8. This will appear on a future Thursday, a nice long ramble.

  9. I never did those. Not sure why. I would like to carve a wooden bowl though, if you must know.

  10. Hmmmm...this will require some thought! If I get to Brazil this summer as planned that will be a major item off my bucket list.

  11. Too much thinking for me, Neil. Sorry. ;)

  12. This is the second time in the past couple of days that I've come across Magus by John Fowles. Perhaps it needs to be added to my reading wishlist.

  13. I love the idea of the lists of 7! One of the books you read, "Angela's Ashes", was one of my favorite books that I've ever read. And your list of what attracts you to blogging is very similar to mine.


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