14 January 2024



Phoebe will be three years old in the morning. She was born on January 15th 2021 in the time of covid, a hundred years after my mother who of course never got to see her delightful great grand-daughter.

Today (Sunday) Phoebe had her birthday party in the local church hall. The same hall where her mother was once a brownie scout. There was a bouncy castle and a ballpit and food and drink for both small children and their accompanying adults.

How lovely it all was and Phoebe received many gifts and cards. She was dressed as Belle from "Beauty and The Beast" with her long yellow dress, tiara and yellow gloves. She had fun.

The picture above was taken last week when Phoebe helped her grandma with some baking. We both love that little girl entirely and completely which probably means the same thing.


  1. Happy birthday to Phoebe. She's going to break a lot of hearts with those eyes.

    1. Those fellows in the future had better stand back cos SuperGrandpa will be there to protect her!

  2. Those three years passed quickly! Phoebe shares a birthday with my Liam but I've probably told you that before.
    It sounds like a fun day was had and you're allowed to say "entirely and completely". Even though it is incorrect, it describes your attachment very well.

    1. Illogical exaggeration can sometimes make a pint more strongly.

  3. Happy Three Years to beautiful Phoebe! She has such gorgeous eyes. Grandparenthood and the intense love we feel for the little ones is a highlight of my life.

    1. It has become mine too Margaret. I never would have guessed it.

  4. Happy birthday to Phoebe!

  5. Happy Birthday Phoebe! She a darling girl and look at her baking cakes! Well, stirring the mix anyway.

    1. She was engrossed but five minutes earlier had said, "No! I don't want to bake any buns!"

  6. Happy Birthday, Phoebe!
    I envy her the "Belle" dress - last but not least because yellow is my favourite colour, and I always wanted to be a princess when I was little. Somehow it never quite worked out, what with my mousy thin hair and tomboy behaviour.

    1. Nothing princess-like, I assure you! I was forever scaling walls, climbing trees, hiding underneath or behind things, getting muddy, scraping my knees and racing around the neighbourhood on either my roller skates or my bike.

  7. Happy Birthday Phoebe!

  8. Happy Birthday gorgeous girl.

  9. Grandchildren do come in a perfect package.

    1. I don't suppose I ever really guessed what it might be like to be a grandparent.

  10. Happy birthday Phoebe. Do you want a nice pet rabbit for a birthday present YP?

  11. My father remarked, that he should have had grandchildren first.

  12. Before I had grandkids I always figured that sure, they would be cool to have around but surely people were exaggerating about how much they loved them.
    Turns out they weren't. As you know now.
    She is absolutely beautiful.

  13. Happy birthday to Phoebe!

  14. Happy Birthday, Phoebe! May you have many, many happy years filled with fun adventures and lots of love!
    My Mom was born on this day too and would have been 102 today!

  15. Happy Birthday to your beautiful granddaughter! Being a first time grandma, I totally get the entirely and completely love you feel for her. I'm there too!

  16. Happy Birthday to beautiful Phoebe!

  17. I'm three, I'm three,
    And I'm waiting for you to follow me.
    (Pete Townshend)

  18. Aww bless her. What a cutie.

  19. In 20 years time I see her gracing a stage, perhaps in Covent Garden. Or perhaps with her own show on a cooking channel!


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