17 January 2024


When the news was over, I was about to get up from the sofa when a film came on the BBC. It was "A Star Is Born" starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. Having never seen it before, I kind of got hooked and before you knew it two hours had passed by and the film was over.

I know it received many plaudits when it first came out back in October 2018 and tonight I was nicely entertained by it but not knocked out, not wowed. Lady Gaga gave a great performance as rising star Ally Maine and the same was true of  Bradley Copper playing ageing country star Jack Maine. 

The ending seemed strange. The reasons for Jack's suicide were not entirely clear or convincing and we did not get to witness the reality of the death and its aftermath - including a funeral. It seemed quite inauthentic from my viewpoint.

Anyway, if I had got up from the sofa at ten thirty you would have been reading a much better blogpost than this one. It was going to be an Oscar winner but now I have forgotten what I was going to write so instead I will leave you with a very recent picture of another star who was born eleven weeks ago- our Little Margot...


  1. I'll take the second star, little Margot.

  2. Margot is such a sweet little Pudding :)

  3. Margot is a doll! (And I mean that in the most positive sense.)
    I did hear/read about "A Star Is Born" when it came out but was not interested enough to ever watch it for myself. After reading your review, I think I'll leave it at that.

  4. Me, too, I'll take the second star any day. What a beautiful little girl, every bit as photogenic as her older sister.

  5. She has got those eyes too!! Did I tell you I once walked a dog called Margot round the suburbs of Berlin?

  6. I vaguely remember watching it, all those years ago. However, I never go into a movie thinking about whether or not it is Oscar worthy. I just watch them hoping to be entertained and distracted from my normal life for a couple hours.

  7. Excellent film and Lady Gaga's voice is incredible.

  8. I really liked the 80's version with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson, I have not seen the remake.

  9. What a beautiful photo of your beautiful Margot, Neil!!
    So I had to Google "A Star Is Born" to find out how many times it has been made. I learned it was originally made in 1937 and has been remade 4 times since ( once for TV and 3 times for movies). I think you should search for and watch all of the versions and let us know which you liked best! : )

  10. I never saw this version or the original and I'm okay with that. Margot is beautiful, just like her big sister.

  11. I saw the film when it came out. I thought the same thing that you did. What a beautiful baby. Ah, the sweet innocence of a child.

  12. A star indeed! I watched "A Star is Born" when it came out and liked it. As I recall I was impressed at how good Lady Gaga was, having never seen her act in anything else. I think the suicide is basically dictated by the fact that this is a rehash of a rehash of a rehash of an old movie...in other words the plot was pretty much settled before they even made it.

  13. I've not seen the film so can't comment. But little Margot is a definite star.

  14. Barbra Streisand was good too.


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